

In the last week of June, 2021 from Monday (June 28, 2021) to Thursday (July 1, 2021) was held our next virtual meeting on the project "Learning through creative drama", part of the Erasmus Plus program with key activity 2, on which our Romanian partner school was a virtual host.

Оn 02.11.20 was held the next online meeting of all partners in the project. We discussed pressing and important topics. You can see a full recording of the meeting in the video below!

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic in the second term of the 2019-2020 academic year and the postponement of all meetings and trips across Europe, the development of our project has been delayed by half an year.

The second LTT mobility of the project was held between 25th and 29th of March 2019. The activities were carried out in accordance with the 5-days working plan prepared by the coordinator country Portugal, Escola Básica e Secundária da Ponta do Sol, person of contact Adriana Oliveira.

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